
JETC 2023 is taking place in Salerno, Italy

  • Abstract submission until February 22, 2023.

Recordings of JETC 2021 talks available

  • Recordings of the talks taken during JETC 2021 are being published at this website.
  • We are grateful to the speakers who have given permission to publish the recordings of their talks. We already have a lot of very interesting content.
  • If you would like us to add the recording of your talk, please let us know by email to
  • If you would like to remove any recording or any part of it, please let us now by email to

We are grateful to all participants for their contribution to JETC

  • JETC has finished on Friday June 18. All talks and posters are still available in the conference app, at least until August. 
  • The Prigogine prize was awarded to Simon Stephan.
  • The best student presentation prize was awarded to Nathan Myers.
  • A book by Jaroslav Šesták (Thermal Analysis and Thermodynamic Properties of Solids) was introduced at JETC.

Conference web app for online participation released (June 6)

The conference web app (gCon) for the online participation has been released. As a participant (online or in-person), you can log in using the e-mail address that you used when creating an account at the JETC webpage (e.g., when submitting your abstract). A password will be generated after the first login (it can take some time to receive the confirmation email). In the app you can see the detailed program including abstracts and videos. The app will contain the live conference stream (online talks, streamed talks of the in-person participants, discussions, and a virtual lobby).
For more details, please visit the "Conference app & instructions" section of this website. 

The Book of Abstracts has been released.

Our Virtual foyer, where all participants are able to interact freely 24/7, is open.

Covid update (May 28)

New rules for entering the Czech Republic from several Central European countries were announced: People holding a Covid-19 vaccination certificate issued by Hungary, Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, or Slovenia, and being at least 22 days after the first dose can enter the Czech Republic without any restrictions, except for completing the arrival form. The same applies to travelers from low-risk countries (e.g., Israel).
If you wish to attend JETC on-site, please contact us by June 4.

Covid update (May 21)

We have good news regarding JETC: we will most likely be allowed to have up to 50 people on the site, provided the local authorities do not reverse their decision on lifting the restrictions. There are also travel restictions in place and some further prerequisites (completed vaccination / Covid-19 in the last 90 days / test & wearing a face mask) will be required. Weaker restrictions apply to people vaccinated in Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, and Germany.
Please note also that if you were issued an online JETC travel grant (dropping the fee in case you wish to participate purely online) and you would like to come in person, it might be necessary to pay the early-bird registration fee (we would handle this case by case). If you would like to participate online, nothing changes, we are trying make the online participation as comfortable as possible.
Despite these complications, we would be happy to see you on the site. If you would like to come to Prague, please write us an e-mail to, and we would confirm the possibility of in-person participation.
Please see the preliminary schedule of JETC and check your contribution(s) whether they match with the schedule. We can still make some alternations.

Covid update (May 7)

Although the Covid restrictions in the Czech Republic are being gradually lifted, relatively severe measures are still in place. Therefore, we are preparing JETC as an online conference based on a professional platform including extensive networking and discussion possibilities. 
However, for those who will be in Prague between June 14 and 18, we will most likely be able to offer the possibility to participate in their sessions in one of the conference studios. Please let us know if you are interested in participating in your session(s) in the studio, provided it is not prohibited by the local authorities, while taking into account all the travel restrictions
It is still possible that on-site participation will be allowed. If this happens soon enough, we are prepared to boost in-person participation and organize JETC as a hybrid conference. We shall keep you updated.

Covid update (April 15)

It is still forbidden to organize conferences with in-person participants in the Czech Republic. However, the Covid-19 situation seems to be improving, so we still hope that it will be possible to meet physically during the JETC. We will keep this page up to date and send e-mails to all participants whenever the rules change. Here you can find information about entry to the Czech Republic. Please do not book non-refundable flight tickets and accommodation until we announce that the conference can be held physically on-site. 

The review process has been completed and decisions sent on March 15.
If you have not received an e-mail on the review process decision, please check your spam folder or contact us at