Monday, June 14, 2021
Opening ![]()
Plenary – H. Touchette
M1 – Stochastic processes and thermodynamics. Large deviations vs. linear response theory
- C. Reina: Leveraging Fluctuations for Continuum Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Phenomena
- T. Grafke: Sharp Asymptotic Estimates in Stochastic Systems with Small Noise
- C. Maes: Stochastic Processes and Thermodynamics
- B. Turkington: Stochastic Processes and Thermodynamics: Large Deviations versus Linear Response Theory
- H. Touchette: From Phase Transitions to Dynamical Phase Transitions
Plenary – M. Z. Bazant
M2 – Biothermodynamics
- F. Maršík: Properties of Open Thermodynamic Systems as a Consequence of Their Stability. Application to Fuel Cells and Ecology
- Y. Demirel: Thermodynamics and Bioenergetics
- E. Frey: Emergence and Self-Organization in Biological Systems
- P. Salamon: A Note Concerning Thermodynamics in Biological Systems
- M. Clerc: Self-Organization of Vegetation in Antagonistic Conditions
S1 – Solid mechanics and thermodynamics
- T. Fülöp: Numerics for Thermodynamics and Thermodynamics for Numerics
- O. Kincl: Particle Simulations of SHTC Equations
- L. Noirez: Evidence of Strain-Induced Violation of Thermodynamic Laws in Mesoscale Liquids
- P. Pelech: On Compatibility of the Natural Configuration Framework with General Equation of NonEquilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling (GENERIC)
- I. Peshkov: A Framework for Monolithic Modeling of Solid-Fluid Transformations
- K. Tůma: Temperature Field and Heat Generation at the Tip of a Cutout in a Viscoelastic Solid Body Undergoing Loading
S2 – Thermodynamics and multiscale dynamics
- V. Cavina: Modified Contour and Fluctuation Theorems: an Application to Weakly Perturbed Quantum Systems
- M. Grmela: Kinematics of Mesoscopic State Variables
- A. Montefusco: Gradient Structures behind Second-Order Hyperbolic PDEs
- M. Šípka: Sobolev Learning of Dissipative GENERIC Evolution
- H. Struchtrup: 26 Moment Model for Liquid-Vapor Interfaces
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Plenary – U. Seifert
M3 – Foundation, theories, and philosophy of thermodynamics
- P. Ván: Introduction
- A. Ben-Naim: Entropy, the Second Law and Information Theory
- A. Bejan: Nature in Thermodynamics: Fire—Power—Flow—Form—Evolution—Time
- B. Guy: On the Cross-Fertilization of the Foundations of Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory
; Longer version included
- P. M. Mariano: Bridging Foundational Views on Thermodynamics
S4 – Computation of thermodynamic properties
- Lukáš Grajciar: In Sillico Design of Materials: Machine Learning Potentials and Beyond
- Velimir Ilic: Extensive Scaling and Phase Transitions in Non-Homogenous HMF Model
- Nathan Myers: Thermodynamics of Statistical Anyons
- Aghilas Dehlouz: A Reformulated Entropy Scaling for the Description of Pure Fluids Transport Properties
M4 – Where are the limits of thermodynamics in nonequilibrium situations?
- Antony Beris: Novel Applications of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Rate-Based Modeling of Diffusion and Chemical Reactions in Multicomponent Systems
- Yasar Demirel: Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Coupled Systems
- Brian Edwards: Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Polymeric Liquids via Atomistic Simulation
- Miroslav Grmela: Rate Thermodynamics of Externally Driven Systems
- Hans Christian Öttinger: Thermodynamics on the World Map of Science and Engineering
- Steve Patitsas: Can a Maximum Entropy Production Principle Be Derived from Scattering Theory?
S3 – Heat transfer and superfluids
- Arkadi Berezovski: Heat Conduction in Microstructured Solids
- Vito Antonio Cimmelli: The Guyer-Krumhansl Equation and some Problems of Local Constitutive Theories of NonEquilibrium Thermodynamics
- Azat Gubaydullin: Control of Heat Transport in Superconducting Circuits
- Daria Szewczyk: Low Temperature Consequences of a Disorder-Disorder Phase Transition
- David Schmoranzer: Thermal Counterflow and Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid Helium-4
- Yunhu Huang: Spherical Thermal Counterflow of Helium-II
- Šimon Midlik: Experimental Study of Oscillatory Thermal Counterflow in Superfluid Helium-4
S5 – Entropy and information
- Atanu Chatterjee: Maximum Entropy Production Principle and Evidence of Local Equilibrium in Thermal Convection
- Jannik Ehrich: Maximizing the Performance of an Information Engine
- Michal Kurzynski: Information Processing in Biological Molecular Machines
- Evgeny Mirkes: Geometric Comparison of Gorban’s and Boltzmann’s Entropy
- Krzysztof Ptaszyński: Entropy Production for Canonical, Microcanonical and Pure State Ensembles: an InformationTheoretic Perspective
- Wolfgang Muschik: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Stochasticity a Phenomenological Look on Jarzynski’s Equality
Poster Session 1
- Matteo Gorgone: Exploitation of the Entropy Principle for Third Grade Korteweg Fluids
- Analabha Roy: Universality of Dynamical Localization in Periodically Driven Spin Systems: from Simple Quantum Magnets to Disordered and Long-Range Models
- Norma Sánchez-Salas: Forced Thermal Ratchet in a Memory Thermal Bath
- Hsiao Wei Lee: Predicting High Cycle Fatigue Life with Unified Mechanics Theory
- Máté Pszota: Thermodynamic Modified Gravity and Dark Matter
- Alexandr Zubov: Discrete Element Modelling of Sterically Stabilized Colloidal Dispersions
- Yiming Xi: Perturbed and Unperturbed: Analyzing the Conservatively Perturbed Equilibrium (Linear Case)
- Juraj Kosek: Theoretical and Experimental Study of Formation of Micro-Structured Polystyrene Foams
- Michal Kurzynski: Foundations of Thermodynamics. Entropy, Processing of Work and Information, SelfOrganization
- Samir Kumar Saha: Teaching Thermodynamics: a Review of Textbooks
- David Pérez Gallego: Analysis of a Brayton Pumped Heat Energy Storage System with Internal and External Irreversibilities
- Michal Pavelka: Lack-of-Fit Derivation of GENERIC
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
M5 – Numerics for thermodynamics and thermodynamics for numerics
- Bruno Després: Lagrangian Numerical Methods and Thermodynamics
- Francois Bouchut: Entropy Satisfying Multi Well-Balanced Schemes for Fluid Type Systems
- Emmanuel Labourasse: The APITALI a Posteriori Method to Preserve the Discrete Growth of the Entropy
- Mehdi Badsi: Global Entropy Stability for a Class of Unlimited High Order Schemes for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
- Alexiane Plessier: Implicit Semi-Lagrangian Schemes for Compressible Gas Dynamics
- Khaled Saleh: An Enenery-Preserving Relaxation Scheme for a Hyperbolic Multiphase Flow Model
- Stéphane Del Pino: Entropy Stability Analysis for Semi-Lagrangian Cell-Centered Schemes
S7 – Rigorous mathematics and thermodynamics
- Federico Zullo: Convecting-Radiating Fins: Explicit Solutions and Efficiency
- Vít Průša: Thermodynamics and Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Steady States in Thermodynamically Open Systems
- Francesco Coghi: Current Large Deviations of Nonreversible Diffusions
- Tomáš Roubíček: Thermomechanics of the Stefan’s Solid-Liquid Phase Transformation
- Isabella Carlomagno: Mathematical Analyses of Heat Transport in Graded Materials
- Milan Pokorný: Existence Analysis of a Stationary Compressible Fluid Model for Heat-Conducting and Chemically Reacting Mixtures
- Nikolas Siccha: Partial Classification of Hyperbolic GENERIC Systems
Prigogine Prize Ceremony
- P. Gaspard: Ilya Prigogine
- G. P. Beretta: Awaring Prigogine Prize
- S. Stephan: Prigogine Prize talk
S6 – Thermodynamics of diffusion and porous media
- Kirill Glavatskiy: Interface-Driven Viscous Diffusion in Porous Media
- Signe Kjelstrup: Nanothermodynamic Description of a Single-Phase Fluid in a Pore
- Josef Málek: A Simple Thermodynamic Framework for Heat-Conducting Flows of Mixtures of two Interacting Fluids
- Evgeniy Romenski: Thermodynamically Compatible Two-Phase Model of Compressible Fluid Flow in Deformed Porous Media
- Martin Sýkora: Binary Mixtures in SHTC and GENERIC Frameworks
- Andrea Zafferi: Thermodynamics of Reaction-Diffusion-Induced Rock Dehydration Processes
S8 – Thermodynamics and quantum physics
- Matteo Acciai: Phase-Coherent Heat Circulators with Normal or Superconducting Contacts
- Panagiotis Alatas: Third-Order Perturbation Expansion and Symbolic Calculation of the Two-Point Correlation Function of the Dissipative Quantum φ Theory
- Sebastian Deffner: Energetic Cost of Hamiltonian Quantum Gates
- Domenico Giordano: On the Schrödinger-Equation Separability, with Application to the Hydrogen Atom
- Petr Jizba: Coherent States for Generalized Uncertainty Relations: New Paradigm for Tsallis Thermostatistics
- Eric Lutz: A Quantum Heat Engine Driven by Atomic Collisions
- Nicole Yunger Halpern: MBL-Mobile: Quantum Engine Based on Many-Body Localization
Thursday, June 17, 2021
S9 – Electrochemistry
- Jürgen Fuhrmann: Thermodynamically Consistent Finite Volume Schemes for Charge Transport Problems
- Václav Klika: Upscaled Poisson-nernst-Planck Equations for Ion Transport in Mildly Heterogeneous Charged Porous Media
- Patrizia Rogolino: Thermal Conductivity and Optimization of Thermoelectric Efficiency in Graded Sic Ge1−C
- Petr Vágner: Generalized Nernst-Planck-Poisson Model of Solid Oxide Y SZ|LSM|O2 Electrode Interface
- Marek Werner: Numerical Analysis of a Couple-Field Model for Lithium-Ion Batteries
M6 – Definition and origin of entropy
- Petr Jizba: Introduction
- Stefan Thurner: The three Faces of Entropy
- Piergiulio Tempesta: Group Entropies and Information Theory
- Constantino Tsallis: Connecting Random Geometrical Models with Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics
- Jan Korbel: Thermodynamics of Structure-Forming Systems
- Jean-Noël Jaubert: A Definition of Entropy to Demystify the Second Law and the Causes of Entropy Generation
- Karol Zyczkowski: Entropy and Uncertainty Relations
M7 – Machine learning and thermodynamics
- Alexander Gorban: Correctors of AI and Geometry of Big Data
- Elías Cueto: On the Use of the GENERIC Formalism to Construct Learned Simulators
- Miroslav Grmela: On Thermodynamics of Learning
- Ioannis G. Kevrekidis: From Disorganized Data to Emergent Evolution Equations
- Bruno Després: Machine Learning and Thermodynamics: Lovers or Strangers?
Poster Session 2
- Anna Fehér: Analytical Evaluation of Room Temperature Non-Fourier Heat Pulse Experiments II.
- Natalia Minina: The Influence of Temperature on the Redistribution of Doping Elements by Nickel-Chrome Alloy According to Photometric Analysis
- Vincent Gerbaud: About some Extremal Principles in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
- András Szegleti: Effects of Ballistic Phonon Transport on Cooling
- Peter Ván: Channels of Dissipation
- Diego Del Olmo: Thermodynamic Approach to the Open-Circuit Voltage in Redox Flow Batteries
- Tamás Fekete: The Potential Role of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics for the Foundations of Structural Integrity of Large-Scale Pressure Systems
- David Celný: Nucleation Criteria Detection as a Mean to Investigate Metastable State
- María Florencia Carusela: Antiresonant Driven Systems for Particle Manipulation
S10 – Kinetics and dissipative structures
- Gian Paolo Beretta: The First, Second, and Fourth Laws of Thermodynamics Support the Definitions of Energy, Entropy, and Nonequilibrium Metric, Respectively
- Gili Bisker: A Quantitative Footprint of Irreversibility in the Absence of Observable Currents
- Alexander Gorban: Transition State Paradox and Entangled Mass Action Law
- Anna Knyazeva: A Variant of Nonequilibrium Reaction Kinetics Description under Conditions of Intensive Action
- David Lacoste: Thermodynamics of Autocatalysis
S11 – Driven (Externally and Internally) Systems, Boundary Conditions and Interfaces (Spatial Coupling of Models)
- Victor Berdichevsky: Reciprocity Relations in Driven Dissipative Systems
- Ondrej Souček: A Thermodynamic Framework for Developing Boundary Conditions for Korteweg-Type Fluids
- Marita Thomas: GENERIC Structures with Bulk-Interface Interaction
- Barbora Votinská: Maximum Entropy Principle Estimate of Boundary Conditions in Mixtures
S12 – Thermodynamics in Social Sciences (E.g. in Economy)
- Tim Garrett: The Present Is Tied to the Past: a Scaling Law Linking Current Global Energy Consumption to Historically Cumulative Economic Production
- John Bryant: Economics and Entropy
- Burin Gumjudpai: Thermodynamics Formulation of Economics: Supply Side
- Éric Herbert: Macroeconomic Dynamics in a Finite World: the Thermodynamic Potential Approach
- Josephine Hellberg: On the Co-Existence of Self-Organising Inflationary Processes in Economies and Capital Markets
- Ram Poudel: The Dynamics of Human Society Evolution: an Energetics Approach
- David Lacoste: Pareto Optimality and Thermodynamic Trade-Off in Gambling
- Shyam Sunder: Human Behavior Framed in Physics: an Extrapolate-Up Approach
- Zlata Tabachová: Rényi Transfer Entropy between Stock Markets
- John Torday: Evolution, the Arts and Life as the Disambiguation of Ambiguity
S13 – Thermodynamics and Geometry
- Alessandro Bravetti: Contact Geometry and the Hamiltonization Problem
- Maria Di Domenico: Nonlinear Heat Waves and Analogies with Nonlinear Optics
- Oğul Esen: On Decomposition of Hamiltonian Realization of Vlasov’s Plasma
- Massimo Materassi: Entropy in Non-Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems
- Harry Miller: Geometry of Work Fluctuations versus Efficiency in Microscopic Thermal Machines
- Péter Ván: Thermodynamics for Dynamics
Firday, June 18, 2021
S14 – Engineering thermodynamics
- Natalie Germann: Extended Generalized Bracket Framework for Multicomponent Mixtures with Partially Miscible Components
- Beatriz Moya: Thermodynamics Based Learning of Fluid Dynamics from Partial Information
- Marco Marín Suárez: Tuned Quasiparticle Injection and Extraction in Non-Equlibrium Superconductors
- Alexandr Zubov: Preparation of Micro-Porous Scaffolds from Biodegradable Polymers
S16 – Contribution of thermodynamics to efficiency and optimization
- Bjarne Andresen: Heat Exchange Systems with Minimal Irreversibility
- Paolo Erdman: Maximum Power Heat Engines and Refrigerators in the Fast-Driving Regime
- Éric Herbert: Thermodynamics of Animal Locomotion
- Markus Lohmayer: GENERIC and Port-Hamiltonian Structures for Complex Systems
- Juliette Monsel: Optomechanical Cooling with Coherent and Squeezed Light: the Cost of Opening the Heat Valve
- Raphael Paul: Optimizing the Piston Paths of Stirling Cycle Machines
- Nayeli A. Rodriguez-Briones: Enhanced Heat-Bath Algorithmic Cooling
- Christian Schön: Optimal Control of Hydrogen Atom like Systems as Quasi-Classical Thermodynamic Engines in Finite Time
M8 – Thermodynamics on small scales
- Dick Bedeaux: Adsorption of an Ideal Gas on a Small Spherical Surface
- Wei Dong: Integral and Differential Surface Tensions Needed for Extending Gibbs Thermodynamics of Interfaces Down to Nanoscales
- Ralph Chamberlin: Seeking a Well-Defined Local Temperature for Nanoscale Fluctuations
- Ivan Latella: Thermodynamics of Nonadditive Systems
- Riccardo Rurali: Phonon Transport across Crystal-Phase Interfaces
- Miguel Rubi: Thermodynamics on Small Scales
Closing Ceremony
S15 – Experimental thermodynamics
- Róbert Kovács: Analytical Evaluation of Room Temperature Non-Fourier Heat Pulse Experiments I.
- Gregory Yablonsky: New Results in Conservatively Perturbed Equilibrium (Cpe)-studies: Theory and Experimental Verification
- Jaroslav Šesták: Do We Really Know What a Measured Value Called Temperature Is in Terms of a Broader Understanding of Thermodynamics Applied to Thermal Analysis
S17 – Teaching and Learning Thermodynamics in a Time of Change
- Burak Atakan: Teaching Model Development in Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
- Gian Paolo Beretta: Forty Years of Teaching Thermodynamics by Introducing Entropy (Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium) before Temperature and Heat
- Piero Colonna: Will Video-Snippets Help Students Solve Attention Span Problems?
- Natasa Nord: Innovative Teaching Methods for Laboratory in Thermodynamics to Improve Student Learning and Motivation
- Jeffrey Phillips: Early Results from the Use of POGIL Methodology in Undergraduate Thermodynamics Class
- Michael Von Spakovsky: Teaching Thermodynamics Based on the SEAQT Framework
S18 – Non-equilibrium thermodynamics with applications to complex systems
- Andrés Arango-Restrepo: A Criterion for the Formation of Non-Equilibrium Self-Assembled Structures
- David Jou: Electrically Tuned Heat Transport in Systems with Defects
- Liliana Restuccia: Non-Linear Heat Transport in Systems with Mobile Defects: Thermal Diodes and Transistors
- Michele Sciacca: Thermal Solitons and Thermal Transfer along Thin Wires
- Liliana Restuccia: Dissipative Processes in Reacting Fluid Mixtures with Magnetic Relaxation